20 January 2012
Hello ,
I'm an Iranian.
Now in Iran foreign music is'n very popular.
Although in past (Shah times) that music was popular.
I have a blog that i try to introduce the Beatles and other great bands and songs.
Most download in my blog :
John Lennon – Imagine
The Beatles – Yesterday
Eagles – Hotel California
Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody
Bob Dylan – Like a rolling stone
Andy Williams – Love story
John Lennon – Mother
Beatles – Let it be
Johnny Cash – Folsom prison blues
Andy Williams – Speak softly love
Forgive me ,English isn't my language.If I had Mistake.
...They've forgotten all about God
He's the only reason we exist...
Is it easy to buy American/British music in Iran? Forgive my ignorance – I've read Persepolis and watch the news regularly, but I'm still pretty ignorant about Iranian culture.
How have things changed since the days of the Shah? Can you hear bands like The Beatles fairly easily, or does the state disallow it?
Can buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
Or buy my paperback/ebook! Riding So High – The Beatles and Drugs
Don't miss The Bowie Bible – now live!
10 August 2011
Great to have someone from Iran!
"Into the Sky with Diamonds" (the Beatles and the Race to the Moon – a history)
20 January 2012
We can't buy most foriegn music albums legally so download is only way although most of music sites are filtered.
Everthing have changed from Shah era. our conditions is just like the Animals farm
of course west media never tell whole truth about iran and they try to show iran such a initialy country that its not true.
...They've forgotten all about God
He's the only reason we exist...
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