13 June 2010
I live in a small town in Canada (The Maritimes). So it looks like I’ll have no choice as to buy it online, so there’s like 40$ for one album, but hey, it’s THE BEATLES! 🙂
So, I was wondering where you got it (I might purchuse it, if I can find it in Florida)?
Also, I was wondering do Walmart, Future Shop, CD Plus, HMV, or Zellers order-in CD’s for just one person looking to buy it, I’m sure some stores do, probably Walmart?
Well, thanks. I was just looking because it seems like a perfect album to sing along to in the car, with people who only sort-of like The Beatles.
SQ: How could you not obsesse over The Frikkin Beatles?
When I Twish And Shout, it makes the Girl say "What Goes On?", and than I say, "I do this Here, There and Everywhere", and than she finishes by saying "Honey Don't".
13 November 2009
I’m confused – are you looking for the vinyl or the cd? Because your car must be pretty rad if it plays records! The cds are pretty cheap; $0.99 to $27.99 USD on Amazon.
For vinyls, I usually keep an eye on local used book stores. They’re a novelty for me, so I don’t spend more than $30. Not that that helps you much.
As for the stores ordering in cds for you, I think you’d have to call them. I don’t think Wal-Mart does, but I could be wrong. It wouldn’t fit their business strategy.
Ad hoc, ad loc, and quid pro quo! So little time! So much to know!
13 June 2010
13 November 2009
13 June 2010
13 November 2009
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