14 October 2009
paulsbass said:
mjb said:
skye said:
The biggest one is that guitar solo on Lady Madonna ? Where did that come from? Anyone know?
That’s Mr. Clapton from “While My Guitar Gently Weeps “.
Any more questions??
Really? Have you read this somewhere or is that your gut feeling? Need to take a listen now!
[Edit] Oh yes, you are right. Cheers!
"If we feel our heads starting to swell.....we just look at Ringo!"
So it is. Thanks Paulsbass, and welcome to the forum!
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26 November 2009
skye said:
So before you got the remastered albums, which was your favorite? Right now, the only remastered albums I have are Revolver (mono) and the White Album (stereo), and I can’t really say which has the better sound.
My favorite sounding Beatles album before the remasters was Dr. Ebbett’s remaster of “Beatles For Sale ” (the ‘needle drop’). I thought it sounded awesome. Today, when I compare it to the 2009 remaster, it sounds pale, tinny, and a bit harsh.
Show me that I'm everywhere, and get me home for tea
26 November 2009
mjb said:
The thing I noticed about the Help ! album is all the little bits of percussive work that is going on. And I suppose the clarity we hear is aided by the fact it was the first issued in stereo when they did the first CD transfers, so the stereo separation allowed you to hear more.
One point I have always thought, and it’ll be interesting to know your view here, is how ‘out of place’ Dizzy Miss Lizzy sounds in terms of production with the rest. It’s as if it was a left-over song from a different period that was tagged on to fill up side 2!
Dizzy Miss Lizzy sounds a bit like it’s in the Bad Boy mode. A quick knock off to satisfy the need for a B-side on a hit single, I guess.
However, while Bad Boy is nothing short of awesome, Dizzy Miss Lizzy captures Lennon trying too hard, and thus it’s kind of just plodding along. Not a satisfactory moment, in my opinion (I think it was during the recording of that track that Lennon barked back at Martin that George Martin, who was criticizing Lennon, should step down to the studio and try and sing the bloody song himself).
Show me that I'm everywhere, and get me home for tea
26 November 2009
paulsbass said:
The best sounding Beatles album is by far the “Yellow Submarine Songtrack “! Damn, why didn’t they remix all the albums that way?!
Listening to Paul’s voice from the center on “Sgt. Pepper ‘s” and not from the right corner is really an eye – or ear opener.
I didn’t hear much difference between the old and the new CDs with my “normal” equipment. I was very disappointed that they didn’t touch the right-left master of Revolver …
I recently did a back-to-back comparison between the 1999 songtrack “Yellow Submarine ” and the corresponding 2009 remastered tracks, and found the 1999 “Yellow Submarine ” (which I used to simply adore) to be very thin sounding. This was, of course, much to my huge shock.
For example, the bass in “Hey Bulldog ” is unbelievably wimpy on the 1999 remix. Gone is the industrial strength ooomph in the bass underlying John’s “You can talk to me!” But go back and listen to it on the 2009 remaster, and it’s all there, in its full glory.
The worst offender, to my ears, was “It’s All Too Much “. Completely sanitized on the 1999 remix (to the point of sounding castrated), this song loses all its magic. Luckily, everything got perfectly restored on the 2009 remix.
In general, I think I’ve noticed a trend when it comes to evaluating the sound quality on various Beatles remixes/remasters: there are people who prefer the warmth and the sweetness of analog sound (one of those people would be me); on the other hand, there are also people who prefer the clinical clarity and analytical coldness of digital sound. And the division line is very clear: the digital crowd invariably tends to praise the 1999 “Yellow Submarine ” and the “Love” remixes, as these products reveal a lot of hidden details previously not so easy to hear.
Meanwhile, the analog crowd is more focused on the warmth and the sweetness that the 2009 remasters bring. True, there is very little new details that emerge from these new remasters, but that’s not really what’s exciting about them. What is really revolutionary about the 2009 remasters is how ANALOG-like they sound, despite the fact that they are delivered digitally.
Show me that I'm everywhere, and get me home for tea
13 November 2009
Would you consider the Dr. Ebbetts remasters to be analog? I’ve listened to that version of the Yellow Submarine and prefer it over 1999. You’re right about It’s All Too Much – I don’t like the way the 1999 version sounds.
Ad hoc, ad loc, and quid pro quo! So little time! So much to know!
26 November 2009
skye said:
Would you consider the Dr. Ebbetts remasters to be analog? I’ve listened to that version of the Yellow Submarine and prefer it over 1999. You’re right about It’s All Too Much – I don’t like the way the 1999 version sounds.
What Dr. Ebbett’s remasters brought to the catalog was certain ‘slam!’ that the 1987 digital remasters lacked. One of the characteristics of the good analog sound is the presence of this ‘slam!’ factor which contributes to the illusion that the sound one is hearing coming out of the speakers is three-dimensional. Early attempts at transferring analog sound onto a digital media often resulted in producing the sound that was two-dimensional, that is to say flat sounding, hence the general disappointment with the original digital Beatles catalog.
Luckily, the 2009 remasters managed to correct all that. They sound way better than even the best Dr. Ebbett’s transfers (he himself acknowledged that upon hearing the 2009 remasters, and announced his final retirement from the scene).
Just to give you an example, I was listening to “Yesterday ” last night, and I could very clearly see Paul standing right in front of me, because his voice was so physically present in full three-dimensionality. Comparing that to the transfer of the same song on the 1987 CD, it’s not even funny. On the old CD, Paul’s voice is paper thin.
Show me that I'm everywhere, and get me home for tea
13 November 2009
21 August 2009
My favorite album based on the sound would be Love. Of the original 13, Abbey Road , mainly because of the heavy use of the brand new Moog synthesizer. But being a fan of Queen, I actually like the huge orchestral sound to Let It Be
4 April 2010
I’m actually really pleased with how A Hard Day’s Night turned out. The first chord was so amazing that I played it about 7 times. I loved how they did You Can’t Do That . Sounds jazzier than ever. A Day In The Life is the best in terms of quality out of all of the songs though.
"The best band? The Beatles. The most overrated band? The Beatles."
24 October 2011
I think in terms of sound production alone, I would pick Abbey Road as being the best one.
"All You Need is LOVE"
4 December 2010
Wow, massive bump!
Definitely Love for sound quality. Of the studio albums (2009 remasters, for the most part I haven't heard anything before then), I'd say Revolver , except for I'm Only Sleeping where John's vocal could be made a bit more prominent. Abbey Road is also exquisitely done.
Maybe part of the reason I don't like Pepper as much as those two is the engineers being afraid to remaster it too well in case they diverged from the original sound.
I told her I didn’t
1 May 2011
Some parts of Love are really good (Mr Kite, Lucy, Lady Madonna ) but others are pointless (the blackbird intro to Yesterday , I Want To Hold Your Hand ). I actually find it a tiresome listen and rarely do. Eleanor Rigby is the standout on the Yellow Submarine Songtrack but Lucy sounds wrong, i have no idea what they did to it to make it sound like that.
As for the remasters the one that struck me on first listen was Beatles For Sale in stereo, the '87 mono cd always sounded muffled and lacking energy. Maybe because i love the album so much it was a revelation to finally hear it clean. No Reply was incredible. Another being Revolver in stereo.
Theres no doubt that the remasters are so much better to listen to. It says a lot that fans were going to bootlegs to hear the albums in better quality than the 1987 cd's.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
14 April 2010
I still get goose bumps when I hear the count in on the Please Please Me remaster. To me, the whole album has a very special sound that is raw and exciting.
To the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.
19 September 2010
*oh, s**t, wrong board*
Um, how’s the weather? *meekly*
*Back in reality*
I also can’t stand Love. Waste of time. I agree with Von on the first page – Pepper or Rubber Soul . I agree with Von’s reasoning with RS (“It’s like they’re right in front of me [not exact, live with it]), but I disagree with his characterisation of the Seargent (Like no place in the world.) For me, listening to Pepper is going, to that place, the city you love and would want to live in. For me, it takes me to Montreal, to Rene Levesque Street, to Pandelli’s and the BarB. To St Catherine to Sherbrooke, from Shwartz to Centre Bell.
As if it matters how a man falls down.'
'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.
1 May 2010
Mhh it's hard to say. I love Please Please Me for the reasons Zig says, but I also love the White Album and Revolver .
Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……
Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…
Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.
Beware of Darkness…
14 November 2011
Abbey Road , Sgt peppers , Revolver And Rubber Soul …….
And In The End, The Love You Take….Is Equal to the Love……You Make
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