On the day they returned from their lightning trip to Vienna, John Lennon and Yoko Ono made an appearance on the Thames Television news show Today, hosted by Eamonn Andrews.
The show was broadcast live from 6.04-6.30pm from Studio Four in Television House, Kingsway, London. Today was a local news programme available to those living in the London area.
During the light-hearted interview Lennon and Ono discussed their recent wedding, honeymoon and bed-in. Lennon told Andrews they were “willing to be the world’s clowns” for peace, and conducted the interview from inside a white bag to prove it.
Andrews was invited to join the couple in a bag. A makeshift bed, with an ‘Eamonn peace” sign above it, was also assembled in the studio, and the three were photographed lying on it.
Lennon and Ono also accepted an invitation to appeare on The Eamonn Andrews Show two days later.