After four years together, on 25 December 1967 Paul McCartney and Jane Asher announced their engagement to be married.
The engagement didn’t last, however – it was called off when she returned from working in Bristol to find McCartney in bed with another woman. They attempted to continue the relationship, but on 20 July Asher announced to the BBC that the relationship was over.
McCartney had continued to sleep with other women throughout their relationship, considering it permissible as they weren’t married. In addition to his infidelities, Asher had found McCartney changed since his experiences with LSD, and her commitment to her career meant they were often heading in different directions.
Since their split Asher has consistently refused to publicly discuss her relationship with McCartney.
Neither has really said much about their relationship. Nice to see celebrities who keep their private lives private. It’s no one elses business and is usually exposed for attention / headline purposes.
I disagree with Paul’s belief that sleeping around with other women was permissible, just because he and Jane were never legally married – it was morally wrong. I also think that even if he had remained faithful to Jane, they would’ve broken up anyway.
Tony Barrow believed that Paul used Francie Schwartz to hasten his breakup with Jane, but I don’t buy that narrative, and Paul has never confirmed that belief at all.