This was the penultimate of The Beatles’ 17 appearances at the Majestic Ballroom, which stood on Conway Street in Birkenhead, Cheshire.
There were two separate ‘houses’, with the group taking to the stage at 7.30pm and 11.30pm.
Their other performances at the venue took place on 28 June; 5, 12, 19 and 28 July; 17 and 24 August; 8 and 22 September; 15 October; 22 and 29 November; and 15 December 1962; and 17 and 31 January; and 10 April 1963.
Page last updated: 25 January 2024
The Majestic building still exists. It was until recently a Chinese buffet type restaurant, but it has closed down. The location is slightly wrong as well. It is on the corner of Burlington and Conway Streets. About 200 yards to the right (ESE) of your marker.
Here’s what it looks like now via Google Street View.,-3.0207227,3a,51.1y,30.37h,99.93t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sSKFChDJYhAfEzLdt0vWnGw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Great site bytheway.
Thanks Berliner! It’s hugely helpful to have a direct map link. I’ve updated the pointer for all the Majestic Ballroom entries.